Saturday, August 30, 2008

They call me Ms. Grapengater.

So I started teaching little kindergarten babies on Tuesday and it has been a long (but also quick!) 4 days. It is so tiring since they do not even know how to walk in a line, sit on the carpet, flush the toilet, hold a pencil, etc. etc. But with every challenge that hits me in the day, I am reassured that this is what I am supposed to be doing. I love, love, love it!

I have a hilarious story for you all, though. First of all, kindergartners believe everything. So I put an owl beanie babie on top of my white board and told them that her name is Ethel and she watches everything that they do and at the end of the day she comes down to my desk after school and tells me who was following instructions, who was tattling, etc. Also, at my school you can page other teachers classrooms through their intercom system so I told all the other teachers to page my classroom and say they are Ethel sometimes. I have a projector on my ceiling and I told them her voice comes out of it. Well on Thursday had to go to the bathroom, which is in my classroom. So I told my students that Ethel was watching them and would tell me what happened when I came out of the bathroom. Well, perfect timing because as I was going to the bathroom I heard the office paging my room telling me a little girl was leaving early. I hurry out of the bathroom and when I come out the entire class is staring at the projector on the ceiling and they were dead quiet. I could hardly contain my laughter and this little girl says (in a quiet, almost scared voice), "Ms. Grapengater, Ethel just said that Brooke needs to go home." Then all the kids were like how did she know you were in the bathroom? How did that happen? And my response was, Ethel is always watching, she knows what is going on so you need to be careful.

Bahahahaha it was priceless. So just so you know- I think of each one of you everyday when I see Ethel sitting up on my whiteboard. Miss you, love you, come to Dallas and visit asap.


Opa and Grandma said...

What a wonderful story. Another great resource for helping kids communicate is at

PC04 said...

my work blocks every fun website ever, but luckily blogspot is not blocked. I also died laughing about this story. good job laura.

AHenton said...

That is an amazing story! Oh how ethel can bring so much joy to us!