Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm an old married woman!! :)

Hello lovely ladies!

Three weeks into the marriage and we are already an old boring couple... Saturday night consisted of me drinking a bottle of wine (yes the cheap stuff all by myself) while reading a cook book and Greg played video games of some sort with his friends. We are boring but it is so much fun!

The wedding and honeymoon were both perfect. For those of you who got to come, you can vouch on how hot the reception was.... sorry about that, Oklahoma in August during the middle of the day is never good. Beleive me, I was feeling it too in my dress. I know everyone was super busy and starting your grown up life right about that time, but you can still check out pictures.

They are available for you to see at

The password is Brown

So Greg and I are just hanging out in Stillwater for one more year. I am loving grad school and being able to come home at night and not have 10 million meetings to go to. I get to see Krista everyday since we work in the same office now. I am the GA for Leadership Development, basically I run copies and chat with PLC and campus life people all day. It is fun and it makes me feel like I am still involved with stuff without the commitment. I also just accepted a job from Grant Thornton, the accounting firm I have interned for the past two summers. I guess that means in August of next year I will officially have to be a grown up and start Auditing people. Considering that it looks like we will be somewhere around OKC depending on where Greg gets into law school.

That's all of the update for now. If anyone is back in Stillwater and needs a couch to sleep on we have an adorable reclining loveseat that has your name on it!

Love you girls!

Andrea Brown :)

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