Sunday, May 4, 2008


Hello lovely sisters!

Congrats to all of you on graduating- you grew up so fast :) I thought I'd get on here and fill you in on my future. (That sounds really daunting...)

So, I accepted my dream job on Friday! I will be teaching Kindergarten at Otis Spears Elementary in Frisco, Texas. It is the district that I really wanted to be in and the school that I loved the most so I am feeling very blessed right now. Angie, Kelsey, Jamie and I will be living in the North Dallas area together so come visit us all the time! On May 19th I am headed to Spain with my boyfriend for a month to visit his sister (and your chi o sister, as well-Claire Ellison) and to travel around Spain and Morocco. After that I will just be in Tulsa getting ready to move so if you are here then call me and we can see each other! I am so excited to read this thing over the next year to catch up on everyone's lives- so update often :)

My email is and will stay that for a while so...lets email.
Anyways, I am very blessed to have you all in my life and just think- we have like 45 homes around the country to visit! It is perfect. Visit lots. I love you all!!

Laura Grapengater

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