Saturday, May 3, 2008

4 years flew by

My wonderful pledge sisters....
I cannot believe these four years have already happened. I truly feel like its still Bid Day 2004 and we are not old enough to begin a new chapter in our lives. This last chapter has been so amazing, more than I could have ever wished for. I always knew I was going to meet amazing people in college, but ladies you are more than amazing. Each one of you has affected me in some way or another and all of you have made me who I am today. And well as of today, my labels have completely changed... I am now an Oklahoma State Alum as well as a Chi Omega Alum. And who knows if I could be saying that without you ladies in my life. I hope that we can continue to motivate and push each other to accomplish great things in life. Wherever life may take us. Its weird this feeling of crossing the finish line, I don't want to grow up cause the times I've shared lately have been so incredible. Ok I feel like I'm resembling a drone and just continuing on a single monotone point.
Ok so next year I will be in Oklahoma City (Edmond, really) at the OU HSC and I'll have three years of Occupational Therapy school before I'll start a new chapter in life. I couldn't be more excited to pursue a profession that intrigues me fully. Right now my email is and once I get my OUHSC email I'll post it.
So Congratulations to all those who walked and received your diplomas (well right now its just the cover with a picture of theta pond) today and best of luck in the future, keep in touch. And to those who will be graduating in December or next spring keep on truckin' you are almost done, and let us know when your day is so we can all celebrate your wonderful accomplishment!
Love in Dr.Charles Richardson,

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