Saturday, August 30, 2008

They call me Ms. Grapengater.

So I started teaching little kindergarten babies on Tuesday and it has been a long (but also quick!) 4 days. It is so tiring since they do not even know how to walk in a line, sit on the carpet, flush the toilet, hold a pencil, etc. etc. But with every challenge that hits me in the day, I am reassured that this is what I am supposed to be doing. I love, love, love it!

I have a hilarious story for you all, though. First of all, kindergartners believe everything. So I put an owl beanie babie on top of my white board and told them that her name is Ethel and she watches everything that they do and at the end of the day she comes down to my desk after school and tells me who was following instructions, who was tattling, etc. Also, at my school you can page other teachers classrooms through their intercom system so I told all the other teachers to page my classroom and say they are Ethel sometimes. I have a projector on my ceiling and I told them her voice comes out of it. Well on Thursday had to go to the bathroom, which is in my classroom. So I told my students that Ethel was watching them and would tell me what happened when I came out of the bathroom. Well, perfect timing because as I was going to the bathroom I heard the office paging my room telling me a little girl was leaving early. I hurry out of the bathroom and when I come out the entire class is staring at the projector on the ceiling and they were dead quiet. I could hardly contain my laughter and this little girl says (in a quiet, almost scared voice), "Ms. Grapengater, Ethel just said that Brooke needs to go home." Then all the kids were like how did she know you were in the bathroom? How did that happen? And my response was, Ethel is always watching, she knows what is going on so you need to be careful.

Bahahahaha it was priceless. So just so you know- I think of each one of you everyday when I see Ethel sitting up on my whiteboard. Miss you, love you, come to Dallas and visit asap.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm an old married woman!! :)

Hello lovely ladies!

Three weeks into the marriage and we are already an old boring couple... Saturday night consisted of me drinking a bottle of wine (yes the cheap stuff all by myself) while reading a cook book and Greg played video games of some sort with his friends. We are boring but it is so much fun!

The wedding and honeymoon were both perfect. For those of you who got to come, you can vouch on how hot the reception was.... sorry about that, Oklahoma in August during the middle of the day is never good. Beleive me, I was feeling it too in my dress. I know everyone was super busy and starting your grown up life right about that time, but you can still check out pictures.

They are available for you to see at

The password is Brown

So Greg and I are just hanging out in Stillwater for one more year. I am loving grad school and being able to come home at night and not have 10 million meetings to go to. I get to see Krista everyday since we work in the same office now. I am the GA for Leadership Development, basically I run copies and chat with PLC and campus life people all day. It is fun and it makes me feel like I am still involved with stuff without the commitment. I also just accepted a job from Grant Thornton, the accounting firm I have interned for the past two summers. I guess that means in August of next year I will officially have to be a grown up and start Auditing people. Considering that it looks like we will be somewhere around OKC depending on where Greg gets into law school.

That's all of the update for now. If anyone is back in Stillwater and needs a couch to sleep on we have an adorable reclining loveseat that has your name on it!

Love you girls!

Andrea Brown :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm a.... banker?

First, I miss all of you terribly!

Second - the update. I have been working in Tulsa since June 16 at the BOK Tower. Working isn't actually correct, I've been in the BOKF training program for eventual commercial lenders. Although I knew this was the purpose of the training program, I am just now figuring out what it means, and I honestly really like it! In a nutshell, I will be a Credit Analyst whose job is to help that actual Lender put together a company profile in order to get a loan approved. This entails company background, industry, and financial analysis as well as an understanding of the management, loan terms, and its inherent risks. Maybe not the dream job for everyone (okay, it isn't even what I was expecting to do) but I like learning of new companies and their role in the economy, along with meeting their management. Right now I am researching a funeral home operation - kind of creepy, but very interesting! After about two years I will graduate to a Commercial Lender :)

Ok, so I don't really know why my title in life is yet.. Sometimes I think it would be nice t0 be a Student again, even a Pledge (okay, maybe not) but I refuse to adopt the name Banker - visions of old men that never smile come to mind. It is my career, though, so I have come to the decision that I will bring some changes - Yes, I will be fashionable and my color palette will extend beyond black, gray, and white (Dunham, your help will be needed). Yes, I will leave the elevator last if I am in the back even if I am the only woman on it (honestly, the guys are not being chivalrous, just annoying). These are the two I am working on right now.

Other than work, I have been trying to adjust to the absence of my friends and boyfriend :( Pistol is good company, though, and he also missed each of you. We are both patiently awaiting our departure to Houston - November 6 - and we are very excited about being close to Erin, Drymon, and Jeffrey :) Don't get too presumptuous, though, Jeff and I are going to be taking all of these adjustments one step at a time. In the meantime, I hope to keep up with all of your fascinating lives and I wish all of you the best of luck in your endeavors.

Love you all, Audrey

Monday, August 18, 2008

super senior- doot do-doot!

hey loves of my life--

bonbon wants an update and though I'm not that exciting on love of boys or jobs, I'll follow suit.

I'm living in the dorms again. it's weird. but I have some nice neighbors and I'll get to know personally my ggg's. how strange, right?

oh well I've never wanted a ton of kids but big families seem to have so much fun- here's my chance to be a matriarch of a crowd of chio's :)

I am 85% decided on starting my own women's ready-to-wear line when I graduate. I was going to try to start for this spring but after some consideration and some advice from my own matriarch I'm thinking after graduation I'll have the time and energy and focus to go out with a bang, and you know how I like to do things up big- well. it wont be that big at first. but we'll get there! :)

I already have ideas for the website, promo code "owl" will get 20% off! "hootie04" will get wholesale cost-will you wear my stuff then? it'll look amazing on I promise! and PLEASE PLEASE send me your ideas of the perfect whatever's.. I'm pretty set on a pair of pants that's HAPPENING fall 09- but you girls are beautiful and incredibly stylish and I want you're approval.

I love you all to the star and back-- so when you all get a chance to hang a bit in stillwater, call me!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

All Grown Up

Let's all update each other on what we are doing now:
I will start.

I moved to San Francisco and I work in a law firm (California's sixth largest) as their cute little receptionist. I am currently looking for an apartment but you would not believe how much rent is. For a studio apartment I am going to pay around $1300... A MONTH! Which might lead you to believe that I no longer eat or drive my car but this would be false. I still manage to afford to do both - I have a 45 minute commute to and from work. Other than work, I try to go to church and meet people which has yet to result in any friends - but I'm sure it will soon! Speaking of which, please come visit me!