Sunday, April 20, 2008


I'm not sure where I'll be next semester... but I'll let you all know ASAP. basically if Heidi Merrick loves me and offers me a paid position, I'll be making friends with Lauren Conrad and hanging out with Jennie. who will also be in LA.

otherwise one of two things will happen:
I will stay in stilly until december and either live at home in Tulsa spring semester or say screw it and get a job in LA to finish my crap at FIDM. bleh.


i love you all. and might I add a ditto to lucci's post.
top night if I ever knew one.

pledge sisters
the fact that my date was wearing an athletic cup and got a kick out of people going to town on it with ping pong paddles
artillery punch
flip cup
heathers sappy speech

= priceless.

that is all for now.


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